The other day I met with a client who was SO frustrated because it felt like everything in her life was working against her goals.
She has a demanding job … her family life is hectic … AND she is taking on some new responsibilities with her aging parents.
“There is absolutely no time for ME,” she told me.
And you know what? She’s right. She has a TON on her plate.
So I suggested she make a mindset shift … and CUT HERSELF SOME SLACK.
Which can be incredibly hard to do, especially if you’re super goal oriented.
It’s not about being “on” or “off” her health & fitness routine. Instead, it’s about doing the best you can RIGHT NOW.
Over the long run, it’s your everyday habits that have the biggest impact on your health & fitness.
Habits like:
All of these actions will add MORE to your life.
More energy (and less stress!) … and more vitality to take on each and every day, feeling strong and empowered.
It’s also a great time to hire a coach.
When you’re facing challenges, you NEED support, accountability, and a troubleshooter who can step back and see the big picture …
… and help you come up with solutions that work with your schedule & goals.
🍤🦐Did you know that SHRIMP is one of the most popular kinds of seafood in the world?
With good reason: shrimp are incredibly nutrient-dense – high in protein and micronutrients your body needs ... while low in calories.
❤️In fact, one serving contains almost 50% of the recommended daily intake (RDI) of selenium, which is great for your heart.
Shrimp are also an excellent source of iodine, which is necessary for proper thyroid functioning and brain health.
They also are LOADED with an antioxidant called astaxanthin. This carotenoid helps protect your cells, strengthens the heart’s arteries, and guards your brain.
✅TIP: When you’re buying shrimp ... look for sustainably raised.
How often do you eat shrimp? ⬇️⬇️⬇️