6 ways to set yourself up for big wins

May 12, 2022

 by LaMonte Reed

A few years ago, whenever I got too busy, I used to do this thing that blows my mind now. 

I used to be in the “ignore it and push through it” club. By that, I mean, I’d take the stress/overwork hit but just keep going.

I’d tell myself: “I’ll deal with this later.” 

And I was super proud of myself – because you know what? I could take it. 

But even though I was able to handle the actual work … I didn’t always manage the stress.

Well … guess what?

Eventually, one way or another, you end up having to deal with it. 

You can end up getting sick, having headaches, getting injured, or feeling burned out.

If you’re also in the “push through it” club … you may want to consider jumping over into the “self-care club” instead … because that’s where the real power is.

Now, this doesn’t mean you have a pass on your responsibilities … it just means you’re listening to your body and managing your stress levels along the way. 

Here are six things you can do to help you not only stay on track… but do it more sustainably:

  • Take a breath.
    When you’re stressed/busy, taking just a few minutes for controlled, mindful breathing can help your body’s stress control system do its job.
  • Move your body.
    This is one of the best stress-relievers out there! Exercise works on a hormonal level to help you feel calmer, less stressed, and more relaxed.
  • Get a new perspective.
    Studies show that spending time in nature (just a few minutes) can help cut stress.
  • Upgrade your nutrition & hydration.
    Stress can make you crave high-calorie foods that contain a LOT of sugar and fat. This can make you feel tired, blah, and sluggish. Upgrade your choices to include nutrient-dense whole foods that help you feel better.
  • Make time for recovery (aka sleep).
    When you sleep, your body is helping you recover from yesterday so you can be rejuvenated to tackle tomorrow. Make sure to go to bed early enough so you can get 7-8 hours of sleep every night.
  • Build a support network.
    Having people around you (in-person or virtually) who hold you accountable is everything!
  • Feed your mind.
    Make sure you get a steady diet of positive input – whether listening to inspiring podcasts and audiobooks, reading self-development books, or learning about fitness & wellness … it can keep you motivated and moving forward.

The little things you do every day will have the most significant impact on your energy, resilience, fitness, and health!