12 Days of Fitmas Workout Inside!

Dec 7, 2022

 by LaMonte Reed

Ohhh, are you in for a treat today!

It’s one of the most anticipated emails of the year … because it’s got all of the details for this year’s 12 Days of Fitmas Workout!

This is a special holiday workout that will fire up your metabolism and help keep you on track with your goals.

Why create a special holiday workout? Well, first: because it’s FUN. 

And even MORE importantly, keeping your activity level up over the holidays is critical. It will help you:

  • Sleep better
  • Fight off colds & other illnesses
  • Feel more upbeat & relaxed
  • Have more energy

You can do this one solo… or with your kids, family, and friends.

This workout is a total body high-intensity workout done to the format of the holiday song The 12 Days of Christmas

Here’s how it works:

There are 12 rounds … and every round, you add a new exercise that corresponds to the day it represents in the song.

So, for round 1, you would do 1 minute of jump rope (do “pretend” jump roping if you don’t have a rope available or haven’t mastered jumping rope yet).

Round 2 you would do 2 push-ups + 1 minute of jump rope.

Round 3 would be 3 lunges (each side) +  2 push-ups + 1 minute of jump rope … all the way to round 12, where you would do the whole thing from day 12 through day 1.

Listen to your body and take breaks as needed!























Jump rope: https://media.giphy.com/media/hb7rHspTr6Nqg/giphy.gif 

Pushup: http://gph.is/2pobxK3


Mountain climbers: https://media.giphy.com/media/jsYmets3thkLhcvZ43/giphy.gif

Bench/Couch Dips: https://media.giphy.com/media/eiWRVNBggNJNS/giphy.gif

Step-Ups www.acefitness.org/resources/everyone/exercise-library/28/step-up/ 

Plank Jacks: ​​https://media.giphy.com/media/2UqZvQq4p9DjTBDVRc/giphy.gif

High knees: https://media.giphy.com/media/62aGqZoUJYtPsl0Hb0/giphy.gif

Plank Hip Dips: https://media.giphy.com/media/dXRLYeOuD8JqRhcQoU/giphy.gif 

Jumping Jack: https://media.giphy.com/media/ckMk3RKUK29lziaspI/giphy.gif

Squats:  https://gph.is/2REB7sF

Burpees: https://media.giphy.com/media/PRqqGrAiGv4VW/giphy.gif